Hormone imbalance

What is hormone imbalance?

A hormone imbalance occurs when there are too much or too little of a certain hormone in the body. Hormones are powerful chemical messengers that travel through the bloodstream to trigger various functions in the body. They are produced by the endocrine glands which make up the endocrine system.

Some common symptoms of a hormone imbalance include:

There are several potential causes behind a hormone imbalance:

If you suspect a hormone imbalance, get tested by an endocrinologist or doctor that specializes in hormones. A simple blood test can check on your levels of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone, cortisol and testosterone.

Proper diet, exercise, stress management, and in some cases bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help restore balance. Vital Hormone Clinic specializes in customized bioidentical hormone therapy to correct hormonal imbalances. With functional medicine testing to get to the root cause and personalized treatment plans, Vital Hormone Clinic can help you feel healthy, energetic and balanced again.

In summary, a hormone imbalance is when hormone levels fluctuate outside of their normal range, causing unpleasant symptoms. Consulting a specialist for proper testing and personalized treatment to restore optimal balance is key. Consider Vital Hormone Clinic for expert hormone therapy and care.

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